modeltools 0.2-23 (2020-03-05)
modeltools 0.2-22 (2018-07-16)
modeltools 0.2-21 (2013-09-02)
modeltools 0.2-20 (2013-09-02)
modeltools 0.2-19 (2012-01-31)
- added model.matrix.survReg
modeltools 0.2-17 (2010-09-13)
modeltools 0.2-16 (2008-10-01)
- inputs make be NULL (in complete.cases.*)
- new generic ‘relabel’
modeltools 0.2-15 (2008-05-09)
- ‘Predict’ didn't pass ... to ‘predict’
- new generic and method ‘empty’
- the ‘show’ method now prints the number of columns if a data
object has no colnames.
- renamed ‘cluster’ to ‘clusters’ to avoid conflict with ‘cluster’
from package survival
modeltools 0.2-14 (2007-09-26)
- ‘object’ in ‘Predict(object)’ might be an S4 object and $ can't be used.
modeltools 0.2-13 (2007-09-11)
modeltools 0.2-12 (2007-05-07)
modeltools 0.2-11 (2007-04-25)
- added argument newdata to generic cluster()
- LazyLoad: yes
modeltools 0.2-10 (2007-01-11)
- Added several generic functions: ICL, KLdiv, cluster, getModel, parameters,
posterior, prior, refit, info, infoCheck
- fix problems with evaluating subset arguments
modeltools 0.2-9 (2006-11-03)
- the following code didn't work
tmp <- function(formula, data = list(), subset = NULL)
ModelEnvFormula(formula, data, subset = subset, frame = parent.frame())
foo <- function(x, y, ...) tmp(y ~ x, ...)
a <- 1:10
b <- 1:10
stopifnot(identical(foo(a, b, subset = 1:5)@get("response")[[1]],1:5))
### was: couldn't find ‘y’ when ‘frame’ wasn't specified
x <- 1
y <- 2
stopifnot(identical(foo(a, b, subset = 1:5)@get("response")[[1]],1:5))
### was: found ‘x’ and ‘y’ in .GlobalEnv when ‘frame’ wasn't specified
modeltools 0.2-8 (2006-10-27)
- ModelEnvFormula(y ~ 1) works now
- new function MEapply (only roughly documented, more to come)
modeltools 0.2-7 (2006-09-07)
- add methods and stats to Depends:
modeltools 0.2-6 (2006-08-24)
modeltools 0.2-5 (2006-08-23)
modeltools 0.2-4 (2006-04-12)
- add survReg objects as an interface to survival::survreg
modeltools 0.2-3 (2006-02-16)
- checkData does no longer insist that columns of a new data frame
are in the same order as in the original data frame.
- fxied a bug in the show() method for ModelEnv objects
- new ModelEnv creator function ModelEnvMatrix
- ‘linearModel@fit’ now returns an object of class ‘linearModel’
- ‘glinearModel’ object added
- S3 methods for (g)linearModel objects added (fitted, model.matrix, ...)
modeltools 0.2-2 (2005-11-29)
- remove special code for ‘Surv’ objects in ParseFormula
modeltools 0.2-0 (2005-06-15)
- ‘Predict’ checks for ‘StatModel’ objects being available
- ‘linearModel@fit’ now returns an object of class ‘statmodel_lm’
which inherits from ‘lm’ and has its own ‘predict’ method (in S3)
- prepare for CRAN submission
modeltools 0.1-2
- ‘set’ and ‘get’ functions have an additional ‘envir’ argument. This is
now used by ‘clone’, for example.
- lmfit now returns a ‘lm’ object with element ‘predict_response’ for
computing predictions.